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Managing your i-Senses:


I-Grid permissions define the capabilities a user or user group has with respect to a monitor or monitor group. Here are the different permissions:

Permissions given for an i-Sense Monitor

Read-only (Detail)
The user can see the identification information, including the name and the detailed location information, and full power quality data for a monitor.
Read/write (Control)
The user has all the rights of a Read-only user plus the user can change the settings of a monitor, control its notification behavior, and change its name and location information.
The user has all the rights of a read/write user plus the user can grant and deny permissions.

Permissions given for a Monitor Group

Read-only (Detail)
The user can see the monitor group and access data for the monitors in the group. The following i-Grid menu selections will display shared monitor groups:
  • View My Power Data
  • Reporting
  • Data Export
Read/write (Control)
The user has all the rights of a read-only user.
The user has all the rights of a read/write user plus the user can change the name of the Monitor Group and can add and remove monitors from the Monitor Group. The user can also grant and deny permissions for this Monitor Group.

Permissions for User Groups

The person who owns a User Group can change the name and add and remove users to the User Group.

Members of a User Group can see that another user has shared monitors but has no concept of the User Groups of others. The member does not know if a monitor is shared by itself or through a User Group.

Default Permissions

The user who creates an entity is initially granted all privileges, including the administrator privilege — which, for monitors and monitor groups, confers the right to grant privileges. When a user login is created, there is a default monitor group created named "The i-Senses of username". Any monitor that this user registers is initially made a member of this default monitor group. The user can re-name this default monitor group, and can remove monitors from it without losing access to the monitors. The user can also create other monitor groups and user groups.